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Testing References

Active Bacteria

Ingham, E.R., and D.A. Klein. 1984. Soil fungi: relationships between hyphal activity and staining with fluorescein diacetate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 16: 273-278.
Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. 1984. Soil fungi: measurement of hyphal length. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 16: 279-280.
Schnürer J., and T. Roswell. 1982. Fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis as a measure of total microbial activity in soil and litter. Applied Environmental Microbiology 43: 1256-126.
Soderstrom, B.E. 1977. Vital staining of fungi in pure cultures and in soil with fluorescein diacetate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 9: 59-63.
Stamatiadis, S., J.S. Doran and E.R. Ingham. 1990. Use of staining and inhibitors to separate fungal and bacterial activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22: 81-88.

Active Fungi

Ingham, E.R., and D.A. Klein. 1984. Soil fungi: relationships between hyphal activity and staining with fluorescein diacetate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 16: 273-278.
Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. 1984. Soil fungi: measurement of hyphal length. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 16: 279-280.
Schnürer J., and T. Roswell. 1982. Fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis as a measure of total microbial activity in soil and litter. Applied Environmental Microbiology 43: 1256-126.
Soderstrom, B.E. 1977. Vital staining of fungi in pure cultures and in soil with fluorescein diacetate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 9: 59-63.
Stamatiadis, S., J.S. Doran and E.R. Ingham. 1990. Use of staining and inhibitors to separate fungal and bacterial activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22: 81-88.

Total Fungi and Total Bacteria

Patent Numbers: 11,268,125. -- 10,179,926. and -- 9,315,849.
Maeder, et al 2002, Science 296 1694.
6, pp. 759-763.
WANG et al. 2012. Fertilization increases paddy soil organic carbon density. Biomed & Biotechnology 13(4):274-282.
Valpassos et al. 2001. Effects of soil management systems on soil microbial activity, bulk density and chemical properties. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira.
Fontaine et al. 2004. Carbon input to soil may decrease soil carbon content Ecology Letters, 7: 314–320.
Parihar et al. 2016. Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research 161:116-128.
Balota et al. 2004. Long-term tillage and crop rotation effects on microbial biomass and C and N mineralization in a Brazilian Oxisol. Soil Tillage Res. 77:137–145.


Darbyshire, J.F., R.E. Wheatley, M.P. Greaves, and R.H.E. Inkson. 1974. A rapid micromethod for estimating bacterial and protozoan populations in soil. Ecology 61: 764-771.
Ekelund, F. 1998. Enumeration and abundance of mycophagous protozoa in soil, with special emphasis on heterotrophic flagellates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30:1343-1347.
Ingham, E.R. 1993. In Bottomley, P. (ed) Methods in Soil Agronomy. Agronomy Society of America, Madison, WI.
Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Protozoan Population and Community Structure. US EPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
Lee, J.J., S.H. Hutner, and E.D. Bovee. 1985. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists, Lawrence, Kansas. 629pp.
Singh, B.N., 1955. Culturing soil protozoa and estimating their numbers in soil. In D.K. Kevan, Ed. Soil Zoology. Butterworths, London, UK, pp. 104-111.
Stevik, K., J. F. Hanssen, and P. D. Jenssen. 1998. A comparison between DAPI direct count (DDC) and most probable number (MPN) to quantify protozoa in infiltration systems. Journal of Microbiological Methods 33:13-21.


*We no longer offer this testing openly to the public, special order/legacy clients only.*

Anderson, R.V. and D.C. Coleman. 1977. The use of glass microbeads in ecological experiments with bacteriophagic nematodes. Journal of Nematology. 9: 319-322.
Baermann, G. 1917. Eine einfache methode zur Auffindung von Ankylostomum (Nematoden) Larven in Erdproben. Mededelingen uit het Geneeskundig Laboratorium te Weltevreden 41-47.
Bongers, T. 1988. De nematoden van Nederland. Pirola Schoorl. Natuurhist. Biblioth. KNNV nr. 46. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands.
Goodey, T. 1963. Soil and freshwater nematodes. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. Second edition revised by J.B. Goodey.
Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Nematode Population and Community Structure. US EPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.
Mai, W.F. and H.H. Lyon. 1975. Pictorial key to genera of plant-parasitic nematodes. Fourth edition, revised. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca and London. 219 pp.

Escherichia coli bacteria (E. Coli) 

*We no longer offer this testing openly to the public, special order/legacy clients only.*

The R-CARD® rapid test method was developed and patented by Dr. Jonathan Roth of Roth Bioscience, LLC to quickly and conveniently detect and enumerate microorganisms. The process involves no liquid media, agar, or petri dishes – test results are produced using a single test card. Once a liquid sample has been placed under the thin top layer, the sample gels in a matter of minutes to eliminate the risk of leakage or dripping.
Provided by Roth Bio Science, LLC.

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